So I am getting married in March this year and my fiance and I have only just started planning the wedding. Yes, that's right...we only have two months to somehow pull off an entire wedding. That's 58 days to be exact. This ridiculously short time frame is ironic, firstly because we have been engaged for nearly a year and a half now, and secondly, because you'd assume as the owner of Mildred&Co, I would have my dream wedding already dialed as I am surrounded by wedding inspiration every day of my life. The reason that we have left it so last minute is that our daughter, Willow Frankie beat us down the aisle and was born last July. All wedding planning went out the window in exchange for preparing for our first baby and working crazy hours before going on maternity leave, which was all of one day before she graced us with her adorable presence. Since her birth we have been knee-deep in milk and nappies instead of wedding bells.
But at Christmas we finally decided that we wanted to get hitched. If not now, it may never happen. And so, we have ummed and we have ahhed and we have tossed all sorts of ideas around about what type of wedding we should have. Perhaps we should elope in Vegas? Perhaps we should just have an intimate wedding with close friends and family? Or perhaps we should get married in Byron Bay, one of our favourite places or perhaps we flag the wedding and the stress and just have more babies? But at the end of the day, what we realised was that we both wanted to get married and to do so infront of all our loved ones. So it is with much glee (and relief) that we have finally settled on a date - March 20th, which just so happens to be international Happiness Day, so here's hoping that's the best omen we could ask for on our wedding day.
So now, we are frantically in the throes of organising and planning. Thankfully there are a few things on my side - the help of wedding stylist extraordinaire Claire from
One Lovely Day, who reassured me that the less time you have to plan a wedding the better, as it means you have no choice but to make decisions quickly, which for two very indecisive people, is a damn good thing! And so far, she couldn't be more right. We are making decisions faster than you can pop popcorn. I'm also lucky that I have thousands of wedding pics already pinned to Mildred&Co's
Pinterest page to draw inspiration from, and also know plenty of amazing wedding vendors that I would like to be part of our big day. Although we originally wanted a relaxed, beach style wedding, we have ended up doing a complete 360 and have booked
Ostro Brasserie in Auckland as our wedding venue, so are now steering in the direction of 'city chic' as our theme. So with that in mind, it's time to finalise the guest list (so far the hardest job!), book our vendors, find a dress (and lose the last of my preggy weight - waaaah!)...and decide all the finer details of the day.
So here's hoping we can pull off what may be the fastest wedding turnaround I have ever heard of. At least one thing is easy, I know what gift registry we will be using!
Watch this space for more 'A Wedding in a Hurry' updates.
Milly. x
Imagery found via our Mildred&Co
Pinterest page