Very Vintage

How did Coco Florence start? My husband and I sold out of our wine business a couple of years ago and I wanted to do something that I could do from home so as to easily work in with the kids. I'v always had a passion for jewellery and as I grew up that love of jewellery turned in to a love of antique jewellery, so that idea came to me quite quickly when I thought of what can I do that I will love doing .
Where do you source all your beautiful pieces from? I source my jewellery from all over the world including New Zealand.

What differentiates an antique ring from a modern ring? For me its the diamonds , I absolutely love the old cut diamonds. If you put an old diamond next to a modern brilliant cut you see the difference. Beautiful craftsmanship that you often won't see today and a uniqueness that in today's mass produced market stands out.
When buying antique, what qualities should one look for in the jewellery? One must always remember if you are buying antique / vintage that that piece of jewellery has had a previous life so it will more often than not have some signs of wear which commemorates with age however some can be a lot worse off than others. Always ensure that the diamond is securely in place and that no claws are broken or missing and if possible buy off someone you trust, who has knowledge and or supplies you with a valuation which outlines the condition of the piece.

Which ones are your favourites? I'm a lover of diamonds and onyx and also the long dinner rings .
What’s the best way to care for antique pieces? Like all precious jewellery antique and vintage pieces also need to be shown some love. We all think that diamonds are hard but they can still get damaged so don't be disillusioned by that. I would suggest you take your ring off whilst cleaning, going to the gym, swimming in chlorine and anything that really knocks your jewellery around. Lastly I would recommend to anyone that they get their rings checked once a year. If you are walking past a jeweller pop in a get them to have a quick look over it, old or new it does't matter, just to make sure everything is secure.
Find out more by going to or follow her on @cocoflorencenz